Saturday, August 19, 2006

I Love Freddy

I am wallowing (as in hog heaven) in my long-awaited copy of Collaborative Quilting by Freddy Moran and Gwen Marston.

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For reasons I don't completely understand (no guts?), my quilts don't look like Freddy's but I adore and aspire to the energy, daring, and joy of her work.

Another reason I love Freddy is that she didn't start quilting until she was 60. I'm reminded of what Ruth Gordon said when she won the Oscar in 1969: "I can't tell you how encouraging a thing like this is." She was 72 at the time. Now 75+, Freddy encourages me.

More than fabric magic takes place in Freddy's studio.
"… I love being in my studio. It makes me feel smart, brave, artistic, joyful, clever, and thin…."

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I hope the same alchemy is happening in your studio this weekend.

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Rian said...

I love Freddy too. She is balls-to-the-wall color. I saw her years ago on Simply Quilts and they went to her studio. Color, color, COLOR! You are right: Energy, joy, and daring. Good things to aspre to.

I'm also a huge fan of Ruth Gordon. I have watched Harold and Maude countless times and she just lights up the screen like nobody else can.

Jane Ann said...

Yeah, I taped that SQ episode and (naturally) accidentally taped over it. I'm a red person too, so I love that she thinks red is a neutral--it really does play well with many other colors. (She says if there are no bad colors, just misunderstood ones, she sure doesn't understand brown, because that's the only color she never uses. Said she did a beige quilt once and had to do it in her dining room--which isn't exactly bland--because there was too much color around her in her studio.) I see her studio will be open for a tour in September. Would love to see it in person.

Rian said...

Oh, so would I. I love that: No bad colors, just misunderstood ones! Excellent.

I think of red as a neutral. Does that mean I'm all grown up? I mean look at how well red shoes go with everything! I have a red chair in my living room, and I need more red in the house. I have a red bathroom. I love red. Can't have too much red. Whoever invented it really knew what she was doing.

Jane Ann said...

Hee, hee. It HAS to have been a "she", right? I heard someone say, "The only people who wear red shoes are little girls and hookers." Guess I'm just a slut at heart, 'cause I've never been without red shoes in my entire life! I'm in the process of shifting some of my red around. The red sofa just left to be replaced by green, but the white dining room chairs just came back red. One of the cutest "weddin'" (how we say it down here) tricks I ever saw was a Southern bride who wore red shoes under her white gown. Ya gotta love a gal with a wicked streak.