Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Purpose-Driven Blog?

How do you separate your life from your "art" (or craft)? Aren't we a culmination of life experience, as well as whatever introspection we are capable of? Isn't it desirable to integrate our personalities into our creative expression? Is it required that expression be channeled in only one direction—paint, fiber, clay, or beads, but not words? If so, a lot of us are in trouble!

My blog began as a means to facilitate working through The Artist's Way with a group. It was my first experience with reading (and certainly writing) blogs. Just like at a cocktail party, I met some interesting people out there, and some duds as well. The constraints of working a dull job four days a week, and attending to the needs of family members when not working, often make me feel stale and isolated, like I'm treading a wheel. Tapping the humor, sadness, frustration, triumph, and wisdom of interesting and articulate people, who happen to have creative lives too—an electronic salon, so to speak—is an unexpected inspiration.

rian's pages describe her—wife, sister, mother, stepmother, grandmother, girlfriend—so am I all these things. One role blends into another, all contributing to who I am, though maybe not all that I am. I would add "person"—the me who wants to be wiser, kinder, nobler than I am; explore more than I do when left on my own; experience all that I can within my limitations. The blogs of others share experience and perspectives from which I can learn, or at least measure my own response.

My blog shares parts of me that miss expression elsewhere. Anyone not interested is welcome to blow right over. Any artist or craftsperson looking for blogs tightly limited to that category, will not linger long on mine. That artistic part of me is not all of me. Like
Debra, I find time spent in my sewing room gives me silence and space for refueling my spirit and meditation that very often ends up on this page. I will continue to make sense of my life, as John Cheever said, by putting words to paper.


sophie said...

Well said!

While I did spin off a little blog ( blocksnswaps.blogspot.com) to keep track of the block lotto and swaps in which I continue to participate, I'm not sure I could divide me from my art ... and I surely couldn't find the time to blog on another blog (the one I have is woefully neglected!)

Jane Ann said...

Thanks, Sophie. I had wondered what you thought about this idea.

PS I would love to hear more out of you!

Rian said...

Yes, we are our art. Or rather, our art is us. We are defined by it, and vice versa. Truth is, I wanted to blog more about the house issues (which I assumed to be majorly boring) without jeopardy and was paranoid about it because it could backfire on me.

As it turns out, I'm still paranoid about writing about it, so I'll probably give the back pages the old heave-ho after a bit.