Monday, January 30, 2006

Week 10 - Task #3

The Awful Truth

The habit I have that gets in the way of creativity is: procrastination. (Umm, am I day late with my check-in?)

The problem that causes the procrastination is: that disapproving conscience-voice that says everything else has to be done before I'm "entitled" to play. Since "everything else" is never completely done, and since I can't play till it is, I get somewhat immobilized--and I sit and procrastinate.

What do I plan to do about the habit? I will make better use of my time. I will 1) ignore the disapproving voice, and 2) stop avoiding both the "everything else" AND the play by putting a book in front of my nose (who could criticize you for reading, right?) or zoning out in front of a boring telly just because DH wants a companion.

I can't figure out what the payoff in this bad habit could be--my conscience doesn't nag me for neglecting the "everything else" because at least I didn't neglect it by playing?

I can't think of any friends who make me doubt myself. That wouldn't be a friend, would it? On occasion, my husband and my mother? Can't ditch either one of them, but I'm pretty good at tuning them out.

Which friends believe in me and my talent? Most of them--why spend time with people who don't?

No destructive friends--some critical ones, but they're critical of everyone (and probably most critical of themselves).

Constructive habits my constructive self shares with constructive friends: intelligence, organization, confidence, curiosity, generosity.

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