Monday, January 30, 2006

Week 10 - Check-In

As I've mentioned in comments to blogs of other Artist's Way groupies, as well as in the quilter's forum this week, I am not getting a lot out of the past couple of chapters.

Workaholic - Not this girl! I'm a short-timer, just countin' the pennies to retirement. If anything, I should be ashamed of my lack of attention to work. If my block is procrastination and I choose procrastination because I haven't done all the petty house chores yet (and Heaven knows, you can't play till the chores are done!), then maybe you could twist that into workaholism as a block, but that would be a stretch.
Drought - Not a problem; never a problem. My big worry is running out of life before I get to do all I have planned.
Fame - That's a joke, right?
Competition - I have a hugely negative response to the suggestion. It's a trait akin to jealousy to me. My parents never encouraged it, nor did I with my children--except as a concept of competing with self to excel. (One reason I love golf is that the true competition is within, not between players--but don't tell that to the PGA or LPGA.)

Evening notes: 6/7. Reading my old notes has not changed my current writing. (I wouldn't have expected it would.) I'm struck by the content but not the "style."

No artist date this week (again). Maybe I just have a different definition and I'm really having them without knowing it (tee hee--reminds me of a more personal area of my life many years ago!). All I wanna do is play in my new studio and I made time for that this past week.

I don't recognize any synchronicity the past few weeks. I think I'm looking for it--maybe I'm having that too and don't know it! I'm hopeless.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

"My big worry is running out of life before I get to do all I have planned" ...isn't that the truth!