Tuesday, August 01, 2006

For Sale

News from the Nursery - Today my daughter Leslie sent out the following notice:

For Sale:
One 3-week-old baby boy ... Large cheeks perfect for kissing ... Loves to snuggle ... Must enjoy late night feedings and be able to survive on little-to-no sleep. Pictures attached.
No reasonable offer refused.

She received the following responses:

"I will take him ASAP. I have no cash but promise to snuggle, cuddle, kiss, kiss, and we will just sleep and eat whenever he wants to!! Loving old woman and fiesty pug will take him as is. His schedule is similar to ours so he will fit right in. This has to be a permanent arrangement so please don't ask for him back when he is tall and handsome and president! Shall we come immediately and is the price negotiable? And will you take a check?

Signed, Ruth (a/k/a Nana, your grandmother)"


"After considering your offer I have concluded I will decline. I already live with a similar creature who keeps the same schedule. He's not as kissable, but he IS potty trained.
Signed, Mom"


jenclair said...

This is too funny! It should definitely go into the family archives!

Jane Ann said...

Oh, it already has. ;-)

Debra Dixon said...

What's her address? I'll send money!

Jane Ann said...

Strangest thing: that ad seems to have evaporated! And they don't answer the phone any more either...