Saturday, July 29, 2006

Paper Moon

Sophie's mention of paper moon pictures reminded me of my own treasured paper moon picture of my grandmother, whom I never knew. She was born in 1881, so surely the picture (with siblings, I believe) dates around 1900. She's the short girl, second from right.

Interestingly, she was (or later became) a milliner, working in my grandfather's dry goods store, where they met and courted, and finally married. (I never knew him either.) Wonder if she and her sisters made their hats in this picture. Being an heirloom sewer, I'm also interested in the little boy wearing an apron dress and locket. Now, see, he hasn't lost a smidge of boyhood. (In the South we say, "How long can little boys wear smocking? As long as their daddies'll let 'em!")


Lizzy1263 said...

I love your website. Can't believe all the work you had to do in your yard. Can you tell me how you link different blogs to your website? Im at or my blog is called



Lizzy1263 said...

oops, my website address is

sophie said...

I LOVE that paper moon photo (you knew I would). And what about that little boy's locket--do you know who he is and what became of it?

Jane Ann said...

Yep, Sophie, I knew you would. I've been horsing to get it posted ever since your post about paper moons. Don't I wish I even knew who these people were! The only reason I know my grandmother is that she IS my dad in leg-o'-mutton sleeves and a flowered hat! She had lots of sibs, so I guess that's who the rest are. What I loved about the little boy, besides his "apron" (what they call that type of dress), is the big ole belt. Do you think there's a pair of 6-shooters hanging off of it? (I was a 2-gun gal myself at 6.)

Jen said...

Neat picture, I love the new look of your blog! Amazing amount of yardwork, and nice to know there are some big companies out there with integrity. New furniture, new grandson, you are one busy lady! Jen

Granny Fran said...

That is such a precious photo.

Congratulations on your new grandson, will you put him in smocking with a locket? Probably not, since he is the special boy in a family of females.

Jane Ann said...

Thanks, Fran. When I suggested tailoring the family christening gown for a boy (i.e. change the ruffled sleeves and remove the ribbons), both HIS mother and MY mother looked aghast. Yippee, I guess that means we get to doll him up (his daddy's very comfortable in his masculinity so I think he's willing to humor us)!