Monday, January 23, 2006

Week 9 - Task #3

My creative goals include the specific (creating chosen projects) and the general (education, UFO/WIP and time management).

For 2006
Sewing Goals:
* Make nursery bedding and layette items for "Flicker"
* Make special occasion dresses for Ella - Easter, Birthday, Christmas
* Find simpler patterns for quicker project completion
* Education - attend Sit & Sew twice monthly
* Education - learn to use my embroidery machine
* Education - learn to knit (not 100% sure about this one)
* UFO - finish embroidery on family christening gown
Quilting Goals:
* Make a "Winding Ways" quilt for Lee Ann
* Make a Blue House quilt for Leslie
* WIP - finish "Tennessee Waltz" for myself
* UFO - finish "Posy Pots" for Leslie - buttons, label
* UFO - finish "Grandma's Sampler - bind, label
* WIP - work on crazy quilt
* Education/Fun - attend AQS show at Opryland in August
* Education/Fun - visit Hancock's of Paducah; Glenda's in Cookeville; Gina's Bernina & Mamaw's Thimble in Knoxville

For February
* Finish two gowns for "Flicker"
* Make "Frannie" for Ella out of cherry print pique
* Sew buttons and label on "Posy Pots"
* Bind and label "Grandma's Sampler"
* Work on "Tennessee Waltz"

For This Week
* Cut out "Frannie" for Ella; making piping
* Work on "Tennessee Waltz"
* Sew buttons on "Posy Pots"

Seeing the goals in black and white seems a bit daunting. Trying to work 4 days a week and help with the impending arrival of a new grandchild may make my goals too ambitious. The biggest challenge for next year will be time management, the ability to sort what really matters from what really just wastes time. Goal-defining may help in that effort.

1 comment:

Tracey said... mentioned them, so I gotta see pics of the Tennessee Waltz AND the crazy quilt!

I have no doubt that you'll be able to achieve your goals and can't wait to see pics of ALL of them.