Sunday, November 06, 2005

Week 1 - Check-In

1. I wrote morning notes every day this week. It won't surprise anyone to know I actually look forward to them when I wake up. Some mornings I'm too foggy to say much, other days it's a to-do list (or a to-kill list). I have been doing this for four weeks now, and I haven't worried too much about content--just want to establish the habit first and worry about content later. I actually think I've had some good personal insights, but tend to forget what I've written as soon as I finish. Maybe I will disobey Julia and start re-reading prematurely!

2. The artist date continues to be a bugaboo for me. I tell myself that the circumstances of turning my house upside down in order to create my little refuge justifies skipping the artist date, but maybe I'm only rationalizing. Now that the dust is settling somewhat, I will make a greater effort at a formal artist date.

I do spend a few hours every week with 3-year-old Ella, and I play with her in a way I never played with my children. (I feel so free to be a child with her--mommies have to take care of you, but grandmothers are just for having fun.) I honestly think playing with her qualifies as letting my inner child out to play, but I know Julia says this date has to be alone-time. I don't think I would enjoy playing the voice of "Witchie" [DGD's large green-complected Halloween doll] in conversations with myself nearly as much as I enjoy them with her. (Witchie is a wry witch who expresses much exasperation that there are no fun things at Ella's house, you know, things like bats and spiders and vampires, and where the heck is the broom she came in here on? Ella has a vivid imagination and becomes totally engrossed in conversations with Witchie--Witchie is very real to her and the imaginations of both of us just soar.)

But I realize that the artist date is to expose myself to new things, new images, new attitudes, so I will make a sincere effort this week to do something off my beaten path.

3. This question asks if there were any other issues this week that I would consider significant to my "recovery." (First, I have a little difficulty with the word recovery, because I don't feel I've suffered damage or a loss--that I have anything to recover. I'm just hoping to find something more for this part of my life.) The obvious answer for me is that this week I finally finished the creation of a playspace/sewing room/creation station--whatEVER I decide to call it, and it's FABULOUS. I hope this will be the significant turning point for me that I anticipate it to be. The cramped corner of my bedroom was becoming sooo unappealing. This pristine new place is attractive (to me), logical, small but still the largest space I've ever had, comfortable--surely I will be inspired by it. When I complete a final few little touches, I will post photographs because I'm so pleased and proud of this latest accomplishment. It already feels like my creative home.

Random House Webster's Collegiate Dictionary:
haven 1. a harbor; port. 2. any place of shelter and safety; refuge; asylum.

In Week #2, Julia suggests "[c]reativity flourishes when we have a sense of safety...".


Debra Dixon said...

I am so anxious to see these new digs of yours!

Jane Ann said...

Well, I want to see pictures of YOURS. You sound really pumped about your renewed space too.

Rian said...

What fun--a new space. It seems like a good lot of us in our group are getting organized and reorganized. I think just the doing of it fills your creative well. You will enjoy having your own "studio" I'm sure. Congratulations.

sophie said...

Maybe think of the Artist Date as a gift of time you give to yourself alone ... with pure enjoyment in mind. Shopping with a limited budget (and without a list of things you need to pick up while you're out) and going to a Saturday matinee of a kid flick (and enjoying the kids enjoying the movie) are two of my favorites. Think fun and frivolous and I'll bet you come up with a great Artist Date.

Your new-and-improved space sounds fantastic. You have inspired me to get busy!