Friday, November 11, 2005

Camera Bug(ged)

Debra and Rian are inspiring me to get to know my digital camera better. I haven't taken enough time with it since I got it a few years ago.

I've learned mine too will do black & white, but the discovery that kills me is the "museum" setting. What the heck? I played around with it and learned it takes shots by leaving the shutter open longer, thereby negating the need for the flash. How I WISH I'd known about this feature just 2 months ago when we visited The Hermitage museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Russian people are verrrrry serious people ("Russian people do not smile at each other," said our guide to us. "We noticed," said we.) and even more bureaucratic than Americans. We were warned not to use flash cameras in the museum. When my camera flashed on the second shot, visions of being taken to a gulag for 75 years flashed before me, so I buried the camera in my purse. How I wish I had been able to make my own copy of Matisse's "
The Red Room." It was enormous and joyful in its use of color (Freddy Moran must love Matisse).

So, I'll share with you one of the two I took, a quilty-looking mosaic floor, and I'll share someone else's photograph of "
The Red Room". Both are deliciously color-drenched.


Rian said...

I took a picture in a buddhist temple in Tibet and they were very serious about no photography. I really wanted a picture of the amazing gold buddha so I set the timer and held it against a railing while I looked the other way. A split second after my finger pressed the shutter I realized I had forgotten to turn off the flash. Oops! I really thought they were going to take my camera away.

Jane Ann said...

Busted! At least you were already looking the other way so you could claim innocence.