Saturday, December 10, 2005

I'm (T.J.) Maxxed Out!

I do not work for, nor do I own stock in T.J. Maxx. (But I may reconsider the latter since money is this week's theme.) I also haven't been much of one for shopping for several years, so the following is highly irregular pour moi:

Seized with Christmas panic, I set out on Wednesday to begin (yes, begin) my Christmas shopping. Looking (ad infinitum, it turned out) for bookends for my step-daughter, I stumbled into the nearest T. J. Maxx store, which recently doubled its size to become a T. J. Maxx/Home Goods store, and which happens to be just blocks from my house. Still haven't found the bookends, but boy did I hit the Motherlode of "just what I wanted" for myself! Keeping in mind that my birthday was the next day, and recalling a dear former sister-in-law's habit of buying herself a birthday present each year, I started snatching and bagging, and I had a ball.

Practical -
1. A soft new feminine pair of cotton knit pj's ($19.99). I have worn gowns since my first marriage 38 years ago, until just the past year, and I'm hooked.
2. 3 pairs of Vanity Fair undies ($1.99 @!) to replace some I threw out per Julia's urging.

Fun -
3. A Johnson Brothers "Old Brittain Castles" vegetable bowl to use with my antique red & white Staffordshire (some pieces are too valuable to use, so I mix in new or recent pieces and leave the valuable ones on the shelf)--I mean, could YOU resist it at $7.99??
4. A small box of Christmas cards ($3.99!) for enclosing personal letters to dear friends, that will remind them of a Tender Tennessee Christmas (glitter notwithstanding, but after all this is the home of the Rhinestone Cowboy).
5. 2 inspirational plaques for my studio (one of which had to be a bit of synchronicity at play)
6. A small red French jug made in Provence in a town my DD and I visited a few years ago. Provencal pottery is to die for, but impossible to bring home because of weight and breakability. There was a large selection and many, many pieces I'd love to have, but the little red jug satisfies me for sentimental reasons for the moment ($9.99!).
7. The piece de resistance - While rooting through Christmas ornaments, I discovered boxes of blown glass ornaments ($9.99!) that will be perfect gifts for my Sit & Sew buddies at our Christmas lunch next Wednesday. I'm not usually the one with the cleverest gift, but these ornaments so inspired me that I whipped up quick gift bags (picture to follow). I added to the ornament the best seam ripper ever, the Clover with the brown handle, and a Burt's Bees chapstick, all tied in a little bundle. I had to schlepp to 3 different T. J.'s to find enough for them and a box for myself. So I am truly Maxxed out and now a loyal T. J. customer. Fun, fun, fun day. (For under $100!)

Note: Please disregard the fact I did little to rectify my undone Christmas shopping. Except for the Sit & Sew gifts, I'm as bad off as before. But I have a better outlook about my panic. Definitely satisfied my Inner Shopper (and maybe even the Artist Child).


Jules said...

What fun! I haven't been in TJ Maxx in a long time. Maybe I could look for teachers' gifts there. I love the red jug and the vegetable bowl.

Pat/SWquilter said...

I love TJ Maxx, and I think you did great! I love to go to the one near work every once in awhile and just wander around for an hour or so. I still have 4 wallhangings to make for my nieces for Christmas (quick technique, so it "should be" do-able), good thing I'm on vacation this week. If my boss gets busy and calls me to come in, I may be screwed though!