Wednesday, November 23, 2005

A Week of Milestones

Poor Tom--he's showing his age too!

Lest anyone think I am one of Julia Cameron's poisonous playmates, who only talks about creativity but never gets around to it, I bring evidence to the contrary. During this past week of milestones my creativity might have been a little obscured, but it was there behind the scenes:

Intangible Creativity
1. Daughter Lee Ann was
formally admitted
to the practice of law in the State of Tennessee, introduced to the Supreme Court by her father. Only she knows what this career choice cost her emotionally and fiscally, but I probably come closer than anyone else. There were times I thought I'd done a terrible thing, to urge her down this path. But a wise friend assured me that what I had done was help her follow her own dream, and that could never be a bad thing. The creativity with this "project" began many years ago and its fruition is sweet indeed.

Tangible Creativity
2. Granddaughter Ella marked her 3rd birthday with a party and a new party dress, the 3rd birthday dress I have made for her. Her birthday is November 22, right at Thanksgiving, and I also try to get a Christmas dress completed early enough for a picture to be made for her family Christmas card. This year I am really under the gun from having my sewing area torn up and relocated. I was feeling unrewarded by the effort that goes into these dresses and thinking I might not keep up this tradition. And then, what a thrill to see that it fit, she
looked adorable, and she loved it! (She twirls in it—gotta love a girl who likes to twirl.) My faith in my ability is restored and the intention renewed to keep it up as long as she's willing to be dressed like the Ante-Britney Spears.

Alternative-form Creativity
3. This week I will host my entire family for Thanksgiving Dinner for the first time in at least five years. Lee Ann has celebrated the past four in SLO (note: Rian), Malibu, London, and Santa Monica. What a thrill to have her home for good and under sunny skies of her own making. She will intoduce us to the young man who has just swept her off her sensible feet, and whom I expect will be my next son-in-law. Leslie and her husband will bring Ella this year, having shared the day with his family last year. 80-year-old Mother moved here just a year ago, so it will be a celebration by four generations, with the memory of a fifth in the background, in the form of my
grandmother's fine china, and dishes brought by everyone to our table. Today Mother and I will pull out the old dishes, old recipes, and placecards made by little nieces over the years. I've set up the derelict Hallmark tissue paper turkey that has graced my home for at least 30 years. His poor feet have been taped again and again and he's definitely got the 70's style goin' on, but it wouldn't be the same without him. I will bring in flowers and lovingly set my table, and not let an hour pass without counting my blessings.

I salute you prolific artists who accomplish so much so quickly. Your quilts and knitting and photography are amazing. My achievements are far more modest and slow in coming. But the satisfaction is just as real. And you are each an inspiration to me. Thank you all for that. I hope when you count your blessings tomorrow you find them in abundance.


Pat/SWquilter said...

Sounds like you have quite the celebration planned! Enjoy it and all your layers of family -- something to remember and celebrate most definitely. Dale & Hilda's daughters will both be here later this evening so their family will be complete - and I get to share it! We did 5 gallon jars worth of parfait dyeing today, so I'm always anxious to see what comes out of those jars. Unless we can get the girls to help us rinse, it may take us a couple of days to get all the results!

Tracey said...

Oh how wonderful!! See, now you're able to do something that I could only dream about...that dress is BEAUTIFUL!! Garment sewing is NOT one of my strong points, no matter how hard I try. Congrats to your dd as well. You should be proud. :o)
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.